Answers to Frequently Asked Questions and Statements
“That person has a gun and will kill someone one of these days.” A: Not if that person is properly educated and trained under S.A.F.E. standards & procedures
“He is a right-wing lunatic.” Right-wingers don’t necessarily want to kill you, they just want to exercise what they believe is there constitutional right just as voting, freedom of speech, etc.
“If everyone got rid of their guns none of these shootings would happen.” In a perfect world, this might be true. Unfortunately, there are EVIL people who do EVIL things and the 2nd Amendment allows us to have a firearm so why not get educated and learn about them.
“No one should be allowed to have guns except the police.” S.A.F.E. understands this view, however this is not the law of our land so educating people WITH and WITHOUT firearms is the next logical step for safety.